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Cyber Crime: A Serious Crime in India

  Author: Naina SIngh, DR. BABA SAHEB AMBEDKAR COLLEGE OF LAW, NAGPUR Ø  INTRODUCTION Cybercrime is an offence involving targeting or attacking a computer or computer network with the objective of performing an illegal activity such as committing fraud, trafficking in child pornography, software vulnerability exploits or social engineering. Cybercrime, also known as computer crime, the use of a computer as a device to in addition unlawful ends, which include committing fraud, trafficking in child pornography and intellectual property, stealing identities, or violating privacy. Cybercrime, especially through the Internet, has grown in importance as the computer has become central to commerce, entertainment, and government. Ø CYBERCRIME RANGES VARIETY OF ACTIVITIES. CYBER CRIME CAN BE BASICALLY DIVIDED INTO THREE MAJOR CATEGORIES: Cyber-crimes against persons like harassment occur in cyberspace or through the use of cyberspace. Harassment can be sexual, racial, religious, or oth...

Gender Equality in the LGBTQ Community

  Author: Anupama Mathew, Symbiosis Law School, Nagpur  The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Queer (LGBTQ) community still faces pervasive stigma, exclusion, and discrimination throughout the world. Many LGBTQ people experience targeted physical attacks and extreme violence, including being beaten, sexually assaulted, tortured, and killed. Many nations have discriminatory laws that criminalise consenting same-sex relationships and trans individuals, subjecting LGBT people to imprisonment, blackmail, extortion, shame etc. In most countries, trans persons have no access to legal acknowledgment of their gender identification or suffer oppressive procedures to seek such recognition. Intersex children and adults may be compelled or pressured to undertake medically unnecessary procedures, in violation of their human rights. Homophobic, biphobic and transphobic attitudes remain deeply embedded in many cultures around the world. Just decriminalising consensual sexual relations betwee...

Privacy under Information Technology Law

  Author: DCRK ASHOK, REVA UNIVERSITY  Introduction                         Social media is influencing people in a drastic manner. Every individual is spending their bare minimum amount of time on this social media which is leading to one of the largest databases which are stored in multinational companies which they tend to use for monetary value. privacy in the social media which led to a very crucial issue which we are not able to tackle the situation. In an example, any studio outlet once you suggest that they can immediately do that social media influence is in so much demand that it leads to the delicate or suppressing issue.                                 According to survey conducted bya grou , 50% of the population keep their accounts in a privacy mode and  another 50% in public. efforts were being implemented  to tack...

Position of Mediation in India

  Author: Agresh Sharma, Symbiosis Law School , Nagpur  Position of Mediation in India   Introduction – Mediation , the another way to settle disputes outside the court(Mediation and Conciliation Project Committee Supreme Court of India , [16/06/2022 - 11:35AM ] , [] ) . The best and the effective way to settle disputes which is less time consuming and less costly as well as comfortable for layman to understand the process . Mediation is also supported more and more at this time as compare to earlier( James Kerwin , How Mediation Works When Both Parties Agree They Need Help Resolving the Dispute How does mediation work in a lawsuit or other dispute? , Program on Negotiation , Harvard Law school ,[17/06/2022 - 11:00 AM ] , . Honourable Supreme Court of India is also supporting the mediation process to settle disputes . There are 2 part...

Upcoming Opportunities for Mediation at Equa

  Equa provides trained professionals who act as a neutral third-party between domestic or international businesses, for signing-off the deals, collaborations, investment etc. The neutrals help the founders to clear the differences, convince the parties to reach an agreement. The businesses can avoid the disputes at early stage or settle the existing disputes amicably with the force of Law. The settlements are done with consent and execution/compliance is ensured by Equa even at international level through its partners. PRO BONO SERVICES 1. Free consultation on early-stage conflict avoidance. The businesses can discuss on phone if they are right as per Law and can avoid disputes. Businesses can evaluate their decision according to Law and can take informed decision. 2. Acting as a third-party facilitator in Business Deals. (Free for domestic deals) The trained Equa Neutrals can act as an independent person between two-sides and support in finalisation of the deals. 3. Investm...

Copyright law and infringement

  Author: Vanshika Agrawal, (CHRIST Deemed to be University, Delhi NCR) INTRODUCTION Copyright means a set of rights that are voluntarily relinquished to the creator of an original work of authorship, such as a literary work, artwork, film, or technology. The inventor of the original piece, or the copyright holder, has ownership of his work. He can transfer his rights to others or retain full control over his work by not granting anybody the right to duplicate or make it. The definition of copyright has been provided under Section 14 of the Copyright Act, 1957(Meaning of copyright). The provision explains the term as an exclusive right to authorize the doing or to do any of certain acts. These include reproducing the work in any structure and retaining it, issuing the copies of the work to the public, performing some work in public, making cinematographic films of the work, translating the work, and making adaptions to it. COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT The unsanctioned use of someone else...


  Author: Sulakshana Chanda  College - Chandigarh University  “Being a parent wasn't just bearing a child. It was about bearing witness to its life”.  JODI PICOULT                                   INTRODUCTION : Parenthood is a dream shared by every parent couple, but it is not always realised owing to unforeseen circumstances. Any uterine health condition, male infertility, and so on. Surrogacy is always an option for these parents. Surrogacy is an agreement in which a surrogate mother, with her consent, carries the unborn child of the intending parents and subsequently gives the child's custody to the intending parents according to the terms of the agreement. This is a mechanism by which any parent can grant their child's requests. Commissioning person(s) may include: Depending on the law in the state where the surrogacy agreement takes place, commissioning person(s) may incl...